21.07.2013 05:57 http://sch-einesystem.tumblr.com/post/56067876791

24. Januar 2013! Autonomous System Numbers in 32 instead of 16 Bit!

They document IBGP Peerings in RipeDB for EBGP! That?s like documentating your LAN 192.168.x.x using RipeDB.

?Most AS numbers are currently 16-bit integers, but deployment of 32-bit AS Numbers (4-Byte ASN) is starting. Why? Because of expected ASN shortage in the 16-bit range around the year 2010.?

Nobody who wants? to stay compatible uses AS numbers above
64.535 (> 64.512 is similar to RFC1918 in Ipv4Adress Space: PRIVATE)

Section 10 Reserved AS Numbers

You may use 32 bit AS-Numbers as IBGP (like redistributed OSPF) but never (except you don?t want your upstream/uplink-peering to adminstartively take down your link-interface) try to use them in the ?real world?.


EUROpäische Zentralbank - ABWÄRTSKOMPATIBILITÄT zu BGP Routern uint(16)?

Dumme Frage: Seit wann sind AS-Nummern > 64.000 erlaubt?
64.000 aufwärts irgendwas 512 (16-Bit Boundary) war privater Space ähnlich RFC1918 für IPV4 Adressen. Ist AS 702 von MCI/UUNet aufgekauft worden? (Die können kein MLPPP und routen packet round robin mit 1/3 zu 2/3 Last auf gleichgroßen Leitungen)!



?Sites that do not require a unique ASN should use one or more of the ASNs reserved for private use. Those numbers are 64512 through 65535.?

-uin16t ? Word, Short/short, Integer

EZB bei Colt:

"import: from AS65456 accept AS65456
export: to AS65456 announce AS-COLTES
import: from AS196844 accept AS196844
export: to AS196844 announce AS-COLT?

Da ist ein privates dabei und ein zu großes

case 7:
struct Aggregator
UINT16 ASNumber;
IPv4Address SpeakerAddress;



If I was just ?left to my own devices i probably could? ?! Würde man mich an meine eigenen (Router-)geräte lassen würde könnte ich das möglicherweise ?

[1] http://40.media.tumblr.com/5c69edaae65fa5ab85e5911c27f74be4/tumblr_mqaskiCwKS1sofvubo2_1280.jpg
[2] http://40.media.tumblr.com/583e0ea0a9bbef28a11936bc0f8e32e0/tumblr_mqaskiCwKS1sofvubo1_1280.jpg